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Category: Family Law

Navigating the Sale of Your Home While Going Through a Divorce

Divorce is a challenging life event that can take a toll emotionally, mentally, and financially. If you find yourself having to sell your marital home, it can add an additional …

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Will Negotiating With My Ex Help Speed Up Our Divorce Proceedings?

Finalizing a divorce can be time-consuming, particularly if you and your spouse cannot agree on key issues like child support, custody, spousal support, and the distribution of marital property. If …

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Which legal documents should be on my child’s checklist as we pack for college?

Parents naturally want the best for their children at every stage of their lives.  The transition to college is an especially important time in life.  A significant amount of planning …

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Should I Separate From My Spouse Before Filing for Divorce?

Ending a marriage is not a decision that couples make lightly. Legal, financial, and logistical matters will need to be resolved, as well as complex custody and child support matters …

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Actor Kevin Costner Claims Wife Is Violating Prenuptial Agreement

Actor Kevin Costner, who is divorcing his wife of 20 years, Christine Baumgartner, claims she is violating the terms of a prenuptial agreement the pair entered in 2004. According to …

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Am I Entitled to My Spouse’s 401(k) in a Divorce?

One of the most financially responsible things you can do as you enter the workforce is to start saving for retirement. For many people, that means participating in their employer’s …

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What Are the Benefits of Divorce?

Divorce is a major change that can have a significant impact on your life going forward. While divorce can be stressful at times, you may also find that is has …

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What Happens to Foster Children in a Divorce?

Going through a divorce can be difficult. When children involved are in the process of being adopted or are in foster care, this can threaten their stability. Since the children …

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How Do I Cope with a Divorce While Pregnant?

Already a stressful legal process and busy time in one’s life, the divorce process can become even more complicated if you find out you are pregnant. Depending on the circumstances …

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How Can Mediation Help Me Resolve My Divorce?

Not all divorces result in a bitter and contentious court battle. In fact, an increasing number of divorcing couples are turning to mediation as a way to resolve important issues …

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