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Category: Divorce

Woodbridge Family Law Firm: In the Middle of a Divorce – Do I Have to File a Tax Return Jointly With My Spouse?

Typically, before engaging in the divorce process, a married couple files tax returns “married filing jointly.” Other times, the married couple may, after seeking advice from an accountant, determine it …

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New Jersey Family Law Lawyers: How Do I Get Oral Argument

When a motion or complaint is filed in the Superior Court of New Jersey, the applicant most likely imagines the outcome of their matter hinging on their attorney’s ability to …

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Woodbridge Divorce Lawyers: Bankruptcy and Divorce—An Overview

Financial problems continue to be a major contributing factor in divorce. Unfortunately for many, by the time a divorce action is filed, bankruptcy may seem the best way to put …

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Divorcing an Incapacitated or Disabled Person

New Jersey Family Law Firm The Ramifications of Divorcing an Incapacitated or Disabled Person Studies show that physical and mental disabilities can take a toll on a marriage—disabled persons have …

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Woodbridge Divorce Lawyers: Collaborative Divorce — What They Don’t Tell You

Over 95% of all divorce cases settle without having to go to trial.  That is very good news.  Trials can really take a toll on your family’s wealth, health, and …

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What To Do If Your Former Spouse Is Withholding Parenting Time From You

Going through the process of a divorce can be daunting for anyone; regardless of the outstanding issues a couple may have that need to be addressed and resolved during the …

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Who Is Responsible To Pay For Our Children’s Extra-Curricular Activities?

The short and simple answer to this question is that in most cases a non-custodial parent will not be required to pay additional child support for the children’s extra-curricular activities …

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New York Brothers Up to No Good in NJ Divorce Case

The brothers, 34-year-old Avrohom Goldstein and his 31-year-old brother Moshe, were not leading anyone to the Promised Land with their capers. Rather, they were heading down the road to extortion, …

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New Jersey Divorce Lawyers: Is it Illegal to Record my Telephone Conversations with my Estranged Spouse in New Jersey

Clients often ask whether they are able to legally record their telephone conversations with their estranged spouses. Obtaining recordings of statements from an estranged spouse can often be helpful in …

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New Jersey Divorce Lawyers: Divorce Rates By Job

Does the type of job you have make it more likely that you will end up divorced?  Well, according to a study at Radford University, that might be the case. …

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