Woodbridge Divorce Lawyers: The Ramifications of Revenge Porn
Revenge porn is the practice of posting sexually explicit photographs or videos of an ex-lover or ex-spouse without their permission, with the intent of humiliating them or hurting their professional …
Bridgewater Family Law Lawyers: Judge Reprimanded for Involvement in Divorce Case
A New Jersey municipal judge has been reprimanded by the state’s Supreme Court for violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct. Judge C. William Bowkley was sanctioned for agreeing to …
New Jersey Divorce Lawyers: What If My Ex-Spouse Refuses to Comply With Prior Court Order or Our Divorce Agreement?
Sometimes people are forced to go back to Court more than once to try to get an Order reinforced. When a party files an application with a court seeking certain …
Somerville Domestic Violence Lawyers: Can My Spouse Use Secret Video Cameras??
Can my spouse be found to have committed domestic violence if he uses a hidden camera to spy on me in the marital home without my knowledge? Yes, a spouse …
The Impact of the New Jersey Alimony Reform Act of 2014
A little over a year ago, Governor Chris Christie signed the New Jersey Alimony Reform Act, introducing significant changes to the spousal support laws in the state. The legislation was …
When is it Appropriate to File an Emergency Application, Also Called Order to Show Cause?
There are two types of temporary applications in family court: emergent and non-emergent. A non-emergent motion is an application that can be made in Family Court in which the applicant …
Woodbridge Divorce Litigation Lawyers discuss If Getting a Divorce, is a Short Sale Right For You?
Divorce Litigation Lawyers in Somerville, New Jersey In New Jersey, especially, it is hard enough to makes ends meet for one household, but try to do it for two households …
New Jersey Divorce Lawyers: What is a Tevis Claim and What Does it Mean for My Divorce?
At Lyons & Associates, we focus on handling all types of divorces, even those with extra or special claims. Tevis is one type of special claim that Lyons & Associates …
Woodbridge Divorce Lawyers Discuss Civil Annulment vs. Catholic Annulment
As an attorney I am often asked “What’s the difference between an annulment in court and a Catholic annulment? Aren’t they the same thing?” No, they are not. An annulment …
Filing for Divorce When Your Spouse is Mentally Ill
At Lyons & Associates, the firm’s managing partner is not just a lawyer, but also has a master’s degree in social work. That makes Lyons & Associates particularly equipped to …
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